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Azure Queue Storage Basics
·1859 words·9 mins
This post will cover the basics of setting up an Azure Queue and using APIs to interact with it.
Git Basics
·2169 words·11 mins
I will admit up front, there is a bit of imposter syndrome that comes with posting this, as I do not consider myself an expert in using git by any means.


Intune RBAC - How Intune Processes Multiple Assigned Roles
·1356 words·7 mins
TL;DR # Jump to the How Intune Evaluates Permissions from Multiple Roles section, and then review the Visualizing Multiple RBAC Assignments for a quick synopsis of the issue.
Bulk assign devices to iOS Enrollment Profiles in Intune
·869 words·5 mins
TL;DR # This script can be used to do two things: get your iOS Enrollment Tokens and Profiles from your Intune tenant, and assign a list of devices to profiles using a csv input file.
Getting This Blog Online
·881 words·5 mins
This post covers how I got this site up and running.
First Post
·775 words·4 mins
The title is lie.


·200 words·1 min
Universal Settings to Consider # Remote State # Are you going to maintain a single state file or group linked modules/deployments to shared state files?
·206 words·1 min
High-Level Steps # Infrastructure: # A Virtual Machine with a Managed Identity Created the VM, an Public IP, an NSG/ASG to allow RDP A Resource Group for that Virtual Machine A Resource Group that Packer can use to create VMs A Resource Group where the Managed Images or VHD files are stored (opt) A storage account to store the vhd files Packer Configuration # Connect to VM (RDP) Install Choco Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.