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Terraform Understand Keys
·1192 words·6 mins
Count / For_Each Recap # I previously wrote an article on when to use Count vs For Each loops.
Azure, Terraform, GitHub and My Last Year
·1034 words·5 mins
I prefer to write posts that are topical, however I haven’t been writing anything in over a year so I don’t think it’s going to be a problem to spend some time writing a personal catch-up post.


Terraform Comparing Count and For_Each
·1068 words·6 mins
When I was looking at building the module that could attach additonal disks to servers in azure I know I needed to support the ability to add and potentially remove data disks without the risk of losing data.
Terraform - Making Different Resource Types Based on Variable Input
·1734 words·9 mins
The biggest challenge I see people have with Terraform is around logic or conditions.
Terraform - Azure Managed Disks with For Each
·1204 words·6 mins
We have a use case with Azure where we want to support the ability to add, remove or resize additional data disks on a VM.